Monday, July 16, 2007

Some things you might not know about me. Or might not care to.

Yeah, bullcrap time!

1.) I don't like being watched while eating, especially if you're not family or an UPAFSchooler '07. Honestly, anything that involves insertion of foreign objects into a bodily orifice should be done in private. For example, eating, picking your nose, putting on contact lenses (and taking them off), stabbing, sex, blahblahblah should all be done when nobody's looking.

2.) I have to brush my teeth before I take a bath. That way, I don't have to worry about toothpaste stains and washed-off moisturizer (wow, Sachi, you actually use effing moisturizer now?).

3.) When I take a bath, I wash my face first, then dry it. Then I wash my neck, ears, right arm, left arm, shoulders, back, front, right leg, left leg, left foot and then my right foot. Then I wash my hands. Then between the legs. Then I wash my hands again. Then I rinse. Then I wash my hands again. Then I shampoo my hair and rinse. This is my general bathroom routing. It gets more complicated when I use conditioner. (wow, Sachi, you actually use effing conditioner now?)

4.) I don't like it when sunlight creeps into my eyes in the morning.

5.) I have a "Last-Person-In-The-House Paranoia". When I lock up, I have to check if I turned everything off, locked everything. Then in transit, I suddenly get this paranoid feeling that I've left out something, but just as suddenly, I remember I haven't.

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