Saturday, March 14, 2009

Can I say, it's quite obsessively mind-boggling? (Junsu's vocals 3)

My god. I just can't get over it. This was the result of their vocal analysis on FM Osaka:

YUNHO → Nice & Cool Voice
YUCHUN → Sweet & Bitter Voice
CHANGMIN → High Tone Miracle Voice
JEJUNG → Beauty & Angelic Voice
JUNSU → Dolphin Voice

Source: FM Osaka + 紫丁香花
Summary by: xietin
Sharedby: DBSKnights

And yet the dolphin gets number one on the Top 50 best (see Junsu's vocals 2)? OK, that was a bit screwed up that list, and then there's cultural differences to consider as well. But I can't say that's the reason for my Filipino friends (AHEM, IA). Really, it's mind-boggling.

And also two very random things:

1.) Junsu - dolphin - Mariah Carey - LMAO
2.) So freaky, that's my exact "analysis" of Changmin's voice. Really. Down to the word order coolz.

Speaking of Changmin's voice, I was just thinking of rychan's reply to my first Junsu's vocals post and he said something like "Better Junsu than Changmin". I sort of agree. While Changmin has an amazing high range, he lacks the vocal control that Junsu has. And Changmin's voice seems a bit too flat while Junsu has more texture to it. I hope Changmin gets pointers from Jaejoong on vocal control.

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