Friday, October 06, 2006

A window in my otherwise full schedule

Please pronounce "SHEZHUL".

One more crammed paper to go and my sem is done. Thank you. After my cramming-caused-stress-caused acne clears up, I'll be the happiest person in the whole of UP.

This post means the position of journal is open again, as my previous one retired a few months ago. I miss writing my daily gush about luuuuurve and the disgusting, mundane things I encounter everyday.

I have been denied the pleasure of grass once again, as football training has been held in the new gym for these past few weeks. Futsal for Sunday, in which I have not enlisted.

I miss drinking soju.

And a couple of crappy poems I will share.


I feel like a masochist
Unable to unbind myself by choice
Forcing myself to drink poison to your health
But this is not joy to me

Is this the sacrifice I am willing to give?
I am not divine

This is pointless
Neither of us is going anywhere

When We Regret

You will never know how much
I want to speak to you again
Goodbye was too abrupt
And I seek finality

Hesitation did me in
I was never mature enough
To accept that goodbye...
Inevitable the moment we said hello.

0 Ang Mortal na Sumamba:

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